July 16, 2009
[efoods]Israeli missile class warships sailed through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea ten days after a submarine capable of launching a nuclear missile strike, in what the British Times newspaper quoted an Israeli defense official as saying “should be taken seriously”. The move was apparently done in preparation for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, and the official said, “Israel is investing time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack on Iran. These maneuvers are a message to Iran that Israel will follow up on its threats.”
The report came two days after two Saar class missile boats – the most advanced in the IDF’s possession – crossed the Suez Canal into the Red Sea. Arab sources said the movement was only a drill.
The defense official went on to say, “It is not by chance that Israel is drilling long-range maneuvers in a public way. This is not a secret operation. This is something that has been published and which will showcase Israel’s abilities.”
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