How fortuitous for the war merchants. They’re about to make out on the war against the latest terror permutation, the Islamic State.
From Stars and Stripes, a propaganda publication produced by the Pentagon:
Thousands of private security contractors, who played critical, below-the-radar and at times controversial roles in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, are being asked to consider joining this latest battle against Islamic extremists in Iraq and Syria and possibly elsewhere in the Middle East.
The “demand for their considerable and varied expertise is expected to be high, and that’s welcome news for both the contracting companies and politicians, according to policy advisers and industry experts,” the site continues, citing CQ Roll Call, a website owned by the Economist Group and the Rothschild family.
The industry is not shy to admit it is in the terror game for the money.
“The private-sector industry views ISIS as a potential marketplace,” Sean McFate, a professor at the National Defense University and Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, told Roll Call.
“My guess would be that private contractors are eagerly wandering the halls of K Street and Pentagon City, offering their services. There’s blood in the water,” he added.
During the Bush administration’s “surge” in Iraq, more than 180,000 private contractors were stationed in the Middle East. “It was greater than a 1:1 ratio to U.S. forces — a lot like parallel troops,” said Peter Singer, a military strategist and senior fellow at the New America Foundation, an organization that takes money from the State Department, the United States Agency for International Development, Soros’ Open Society, the Rockefeller Brothers, the World Bank, and other globalist groups.
“We’re seeing the framework be put into place,” Singer added. “In August, the U.S. Army Contracting Command posted a notice for contractors willing to work an initial 12-month contract that will focus on force-development operations. They posted one of these before the 2003 invasion (of Iraq), and Halliburton expressed interest.”
In September we posted an article detailing a call by Stars and Stripes for contractors to fight ISIS and provide other services in Iraq.
“Hundreds of contractors working for America’s biggest defense companies are taking on a broader role in helping Iraq’s military learn to use new weapons in a growing battle against Islamist insurgents,”Dion Nissenbaum wrote for the Wall Street Journal at the time. “Across Iraq, military specialists are helping the Iraqi military maintain its growing number of surveillance drones, attack helicopters and powerful missiles. Thousands more support the U.S. government as security guards, analysts, drivers and cooks.”
The reputation of contractors in Iraq was tarnished in 2007 when Blackwater employees shot and killed 17 civilians in Baghdad’s Nisour Square. Blackwater lost its license to operate in the country after the killings.
In 2010 the “Iraq war logs” made public by Wikileaks revealed several dozen instances of military contractors — primarily Blackwater and the British outfit Erinys — engaged in “escalation of force” incidents and other mischief.
“Quite possibly, there were many more incidents in which civilians were injured, or even killed, which were never reported. Some of the reports may have been altered before they were entered into the military system. But given the other records that I found, at the very least, Wikileaks has revealed that Blackwater and other private security companies are guilty of many more injuries and killings than the media have previously reported,” writes Pratap Chatterjee.
This legacy now appears to be firmly entrenched and institutionalized. With each new manufactured war – and no less than fifteen new ones, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul recently noted, are on the neocon drawing board – the contractors, the merchants of death, line up at the Pentagon’s spending trough.
Former NATO commander Wesley Clark talked about the neocon plan to invade seven countries in five years — Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
Some theorize the military-industrial complex is engaged a scheme to jumpstart the U.S. economy.
“The use of the military-industrial complex as a quick, if dubious, way of jump-starting the economy is nothing new, but what is amazing is the divergence between the military economy and the civilian economy,” Washington’s Blog quotes Raw Story as reporting.
“It’s important to note the trajectory — the military economy is nearly three times as large, proportionally to the rest of the economy, as it was at the beginning of the Bush administration. And it is the only manufacturing sector showing any growth. Extrapolate that trend, and what do you get?”
You get forever war – or war until the economy collapses, which it increasingly appears ready to do.
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