Mike Adams
Natural News
May 24, 2013
The global March Against Monsanto happens tomorrow! Nearly three hundred cities will host what’s sure to be hundreds of thousands of protesters and activists around the globe who are taking a stand against Monsanto and GMOs.
YOU can join in the activities, too! Check this site to see if there’s a march planned near you:
And learn more about the event at this FB page:
Here are my top 10 reasons to attend the March Against Monsanto!
#1) There will be tons of press coverage, so your voice will be heard
It’s hard to get your voice heard these days. But now’s your chance! Bring your protest sign, wear a shirt with a message, speak to news crews or even give a speech to the audience. This is your chance to have your voice heard on an issue of crucial importance to the future of life on our planet.
#2) Send a powerful message to Monsanto that their corporate evil will not be tolerated by the people of the world
Beyond the media watching this event, Monsanto will also be very closely monitoring what happens. (Look out for “Monsanto spies” at every event!)
When you show up and march with determination and passion, you help send a message to Monsanto that they will never stop the resistance against GMOs. We want to tell them they should find a way to transition out of the market while they still have time. Let Monsanto know that We the People won’t tolerate their genetic poisoning of the planet and the food supply!
#3) Learn more about GMOs and why they’re so dangerous for life on our planet
By attending these rallies, you’ll also learn a huge amount of valuable information about GMOs and why they’re so dangerous to us all. You might even learn something so powerful you feel compelled to share it with others.
And that’s how this works: Gathering knowledge and sharing it with the people around you so that they, too, can learn to avoid GMOs. Let knowledge be open-source!
#4) Listen to great speakers who share a message of inspiration and solidarity
At every city, speakers will be sharing their wisdom and rallying the crowd with inspiring, informative live speeches. Listen to these speakers and you’ll learn a lot!
#5) Meet and interact with like-minded people
Want to meet informed, intelligent, health-conscious people who aren’t dumbed-down like everyone else? Meet them at the March Against Monsanto!
Think about it: What kind of people come to these marches? The top 1% of the most informed, “awake” and environmentally-aware individuals on the planet. That’s my kind of crowd!
#6) Send a global message to food retailers that they should drop GMOs
Food retailers will also be watching this event, and as more and more people protest GMOs, more pressure will be placed on retailers to either label GMOs or drop them altogether.
And that’s what we want! At minimum, we want mandatory GMO labeling across the board. That way, shoppers can make an informed choice of what they’re buying at the grocery store.
#7) Get some outdoor exercise while joining a noble cause
Joining the march will give you a fantastic opportunity to get some healthy exercise while marching for a worthy cause. It’s not every day that you get to march with a group of fun, intelligent, informed people who truly represent the future of humankind (because they care about genetic integrity).
If for no other reason than this, join the March Against Monsanto and enjoy the stroll!
#8) Raise your spiritual karma score by standing up for universal justice
Need a little help in the karma realm? Marching against evil is always a good thing; especially when you’re taking a stand for universal justice: food freedom, farm freedom and the integrity of seeds on our planet.
The time to do something good is now!
#9) Show off your cool protest sign!
Bring an awesome protest sign and show it off to the crowd! I’ll be marching with my own sign, and I can’t wait to see what everybody else comes up with, too.
Make your sign large enough to be easily read in photos and news cameras. If your sign is awesome enough, it will get major play on the ‘net!
#10) Be part of a truly grassroots, non-hierarchical, non-centralized global protest
This entire event has come into existence organically, with no central planning or coordination. I don’t even know who put this together in the first place. And it doesn’t matter, you see, because as long as we each continue to do our part on this, we can feel hugely rewarded in knowing that millions of other people are also doing their part for the same common goal: the global outlawing or labeling of GMOs.
Join us in this march for the sole reason that it is the right thing to do. Become part of a peer-to-peer, decentralized movement of justice against a terrible evil that threatens our planet. Feel the power of the People as you join in this meaningful, grassroots effort to banish corporate evil from our food and farms.
Learn more:
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