Nearly 2/3rds of Americans won’t shop on Black Friday, according to a Reuters poll which indicates the shopping day is losing significance as Americans begin holiday shopping as early as July.

This is an significant decrease of shoppers; last year, nearly half of all Americans said they would shop on Black Friday.

This Black Friday will likely turn into the worst ever for brick-and-mortar stores as more Americans reject pre-dawn lines and zombie riots, choosing instead to shop on-line from the coziness of their warm homes.

According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll of 1,639 adults, 63% won’t raid stores on Black Friday while only 32% said they would finish about half of their holiday shopping on the day.

“The holiday season is expanding, and Black Friday is no longer the kickoff for the season,” said Natalie Kotlyar of business advisory firm BDO Consumer.

She indicated that Americans are now holiday shopping on Halloween, Labor Day and even Amazon’s Prime Day on July 12.

In short, Black Friday is no longer the spending peak for holiday sales.

But unfortunately, panicking retailers like Wal-Mart are now encroaching on Thanskgiving by offering “Black Thursday” sales of electronic slave goods.

“Wal-Mart has already said it will increase inventory by more than half this year and make deals typically reserved for Black Friday available online early Thanksgiving morning,” Zero Hedge reported. “Retail pricing and data analytics firm Market Track said an analysis of 15 top U.S. brick-and-mortar retailers and their Black Friday circular announcements online showed they were about three days earlier than last year.”

This means numerous retail workers will be spending Thanksgiving not at a dinner table but rather serving rabid shoppers barbarous enough to set up make-shift campsites outside big box stores.

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