A video posted on Salon’s Facebook page shows the leftist news organization’s resident pedophile, Todd Nickerson, explaining how he masturbated over a 5-year-old girl while romanticized video footage of a child is used to illustrate his sick fantasy.

Nickerson first rose to prominence when Salon.com gave him a platform to explain how lusting after children was merely an alternative “sexual orientation” and that people should be “understanding and supportive” towards pedophiles.

When conservatives dared to express skepticism towards that premise, Nickerson immediately claimed to be a victim of the “right-wing hate machine” in an article entitled I’m a pedophile, you’re the monsters.

If you thought that Salon couldn’t go any lower than this, then think again.

A new video features Nickerson talking about how he fell in love with a 5-year-old girl he was babysitting who was “advanced for her age”.

“A lot of my fantasies actually revolve around little girls who are in some way more powerful than I am,” states Nickerson as footage plays of a child in a pink dress dancing and twirling.

“Eventually my attraction became overwhelming to the point I had to go relieve myself in the bathroom,” says Nickerson.

In other words, Nickerson masturbated over a 5-year-old girl he was sexually attracted to, and Salon.com thinks it’s in good taste to illustrate this sickness with a dreamy clip of a 5-year-old girl playfully dancing.

Nickerson goes on to explain how there are more pedophiles than society thinks and that he has met a lot of them online.

Although Nickerson and Salon have tried to argue that ‘supporting’ pedophiles who manage to resist the urge to molest children is a positive thing, Nickerson has previously admitted that he “WOULD engage in sex play with a child that I loved if she wanted it and initiated it. I will never deny that.”

Nickerson also claimed that children like pedophiles and desire to be around them, and that the 5-year-old girl he was babysitting once “came onto” him.


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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

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