The President of the Royal Society says that people who refuse to wear masks should be publicly shamed like drunk drivers, highlighting again how the entire issue has become another part of the ‘cancel culture war’.

“The message has not been clear enough, so perhaps people do not really understand the benefits or are not convinced of them,” writes Venki Ramakrishnan. “Whatever the reasons, we need to overcome our reservations and wear face coverings whenever we are around others in public.”

“It used to be quite normal to have quite a few drinks and drive home, and it also used to be normal to drive without seatbelts. Today, both of those would be considered antisocial, and not wearing face coverings in public should be regarded in the same way.”

Ramakrishnan’s demand follows two Royal Society reports that claim wearing masks significantly reduces the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

However, as Toby Young notes, the evidence cited by the reports is flimsy at best.

“I’ve had a look at the Royal Society paper that supposedly confirms the effectiveness of masks. It’s unimpressive. Note the threadbare evidence on which it bases its sweeping conclusion,” writes Young before quoting the report itself.

“We have found only two randomised control trials in the primary literature on the use of face masks to reduce onward transmission; one was underpowered, and the other showed significant reduction when adjusted for actual mask usage in a posthoc analysis.”

This all emphasizes once again how the issue of mask wearing has been amplified way beyond the entire coronavirus debate and has become a symbol of mass obedience.

Those who refuse to be bullied into wearing the mask are now publicly shamed and dehumanized by the political class and elitist wannabes.

Whenever transgressions make it to social media in the form of videos of people inside supermarkets refusing to wear masks, they are also savaged and “cancelled” by ‘woke’ hate mobs.

The mask is also a symbol of the lockdown, which itself has been politicized by the left with the aid of mass hysteria and fearmongering to force right of center governments in both the U.S. and the UK to commit near economic suicide in order to satiate the demands of the mask wearing mob.

Wearing the mask stopped being a medical issue many months ago and is now yet another political football in the culture war.


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