In a direct match up Paul is strong with diverse range of voter groups
Steve Watson
December 21, 2011

Yet another new poll has highlighted the fact that Ron Paul is the strongest GOP candidate when it comes to a hypothetical general election match up with Barack Obama.
The CNN / ORC poll shows Paul bettering Obama 47 to 46 percent among “the most reliable” group of voters, those who are 65 years and older. Paul attracts more independents than Obama by 48 to 47 percent. The Congressman also betters Obama 51 to 46 percent among white voters and betters the incumbent president 52 to 44 percent among voters residing in rural areas.
In a direct head to head with Obama, Paul does better than all of his GOP rivals in a wide and diverse range of population categories, including males; persons ages 18 to 34; persons under 50 years of age; persons earning less than $50k per year; persons who have attended college; crossover Democrats; self-identified liberals; self-described moderates; residents of the Northeast and Midwest geographic regions; and those residing in urban areas.
The Congressman also betters all the other GOP competitors against Obama where non-white voters are concerned, attracting the support of one in four non-white adults.
“This poll further debunks the establishment-created myth about Ron Paul’s electability and shows an expanding base of support,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.
“Americans of all stripes are tired of the status quo Washington insider games, and are looking for someone who represents real change. Congressman Paul is that candidate.”
The latest poll dovetails with a previous NBC News/Marist poll out of Iowa that found Obama beating all GOP competitors except for Ron Paul.
The results of these polls prove that Paul is the only GOP candidate that appeals to voters across the political spectrum.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
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In a last push before the Iowa caucus in just under 2 weeks, the Paul campaign releases two new tv ads this week aimed at bolstering his support.
The first is an updated version of the original Hollywood blockbuster style campaign spot entitled “The One”. The new version of the ad focuses on Ron Paul’s fiscal plan, juxtaposing it with excessive Washington establishment failures.
“With the U.S. economy in shambles, Americans are demanding leaders that are knowledgeable about how the economy works and how to ensure that Washington creates the proper climate for sustainable growth and lasting prosperity.” Jesse Benton notes.
“This updated ad shows Ron Paul as the sole candidate with an economic plan to restore America, and at the same time singles him out for his unimpeachable integrity,”
Watch the ad:
Focusing on Paul’s life-long opposition to abortion, the second ad, a positive piece entitled “Staying on the Right Path”, is a one minute spot featuring testimonials from Paul’s former patients.
The ad also once again highlights that Paul, an obstetrician, has delivered more than 4,000 babies.
Watch the ad:
Watch Alex’s special report on the news that Ron Paul is now leading in Iowa and how the establishment is attempting to break his campaign:
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.
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