Kurt Nimmo
June 14, 2010
Israel is not going to give it up. Hours after Israeli commandos attack the Gaza flotilla and killed activists in execution fashion, the Israelis claimed al-Qaeda was involved. After the absurdity of this sunk in, the Israelis retracted their claim.
Now they’re back on the script.
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Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon told CNN over the weekend al-Qaeda bad guys were on the ships. “According to the deputy FM, there were dozens of terrorists mixed in with peace activists on the flotilla,” reports YNet. “They were associated with al-Qaeda and other terror organizations,” CNN quoted Ayalon as saying.
Ayalon said the al-CIA-duh operatives were “graduates of Afghanistan or — or Iraq.”
“Unfortunately, on the Turkish ship, we saw two types. That out of 675 people on the ship, about 600 were peace activists, I would say naive peace activists, about 75 were mercenaries,” Ayalon continued. “We found the money on their bodies, $10,000 apiece.”
Israeli has floated the al-Qaeda story again as PM Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed at a Likud ministers meeting that the Israeli investigation into the IDF flotilla raid will be headed by retired Supreme Court Justice Jacob Tirkel. “Netanyahu added that negotiations with the US over the establishment of an investigation committee, its composition, and the rights afforded it were held until late Saturday night, and that he expects an agreement on the matter shortly,” YNet reports
Expect this “investigation” to conclude that al-Qaeda was a part of the flotilla. It will be the only excuse Israel will have to explain their brutal execution of the Gaza activists, including at least one American.
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