Patrick Henningsen
April 16, 2012
If one man ever embodied all that is wrong with the mainstream media’s failing propaganda outlets, it’s Geraldo Rivera.
Presently, he’s masquerading as a journalist in Afghanistan, earning his salary as the media’s ultimate weapon of mass distraction.
Following yesterday’s Taliban offensive where a number of Afghanistan’s urban areas were hit in a coordinated paramilitary attack, FOX News aired its tenuous program entitled “Geraldo at Large”.
The tough-talking embedded reporter Rivera admitted that he didn’t see any of the action because (he claimed) he was helplessly locked inside the US embassy when the Taliban offensive took place.
When the smoke finally cleared, and it was safe to come out, FOX’s brave journalist emerged, this time on camera with an Afghan translator who was allegedly phoning a Taliban fighter for some post-attack commentary.
Rivera started in with, “Ask him how it feels to get his ass kicked…”
When the Taliban on the phone replied, Geraldo promptly interrupted him, ironically telling his FOX viewers not to listen because, “… it’s propaganda”.
A model of journalistic integrity, Geraldo finished off his segment with gusto by pretending to shout-down the Taliban through the phone, effectively calling them out from a safe distance:
“You jerk-off… what did you win?!”
“You killed no Americans…”
After being dumped by ABC and NBC, Rivera eventually landed his current position at the MSM’s dying flagship FOX News. Rivera’s reporting in Afghanistan has since reached new lows yesterday’s Taliban outburst – but not as low as previous reporting where he worked as a vacant apologist for the heroin trade in Central Asia.
Pentagon Spokesman Captain John Kirby also went on to write off the attack, saying, “I don’t believe they succeeded.”
At no point during FOX and other US television mainstream media reporting on yesterday’s coordinated nation-wide Taliban attack did TV news reporters mention the US military slaughter of 18 innocent Afghan villagers that took place in Kandahar only a few short weeks ago. It was because of this very massacre that the Taliban mounted their latest ‘Spring Offensive’.
This is a prime example of how the US media is able to erase the past, training their viewers not to think in terms of cause and effect, but only to see events as they are presented on the TV news conveyor belt managed by media cartel members FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN.
Latest talking point: “Haqqani Network”
FOX pundits continued to shape their audience’s newly scripted reality in Afghanistan explaining, “This attack bares all the halmarks of the Haqqani Network“. Sound familiar? “Bares all the hallmarks of… (fill in the blanks).
The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, also repeated the Pentagon’s latest talking point, explaining in an interview with CNN’s ‘‘State of the Union” program, that he also believed the attacks were carried out by the evil Haqqani.
As the alleged Taliban faction, labelled as the “Haqqani”, are supposedly based in Pakistan, the Pentagon’s new terror network allows the Washington to ramp-up their tough talk with Pakistan, as well as step-up drone attacks over the Afghan border.
Geraldo Rivera helped promoted US military’s protection the Afghan heroin supply
Under the Taliban, pre-2001 opium production was down to almost zero. After the U.S. and UK forces invaded, however, production picked-up exponentially from around 700 tons in 2001, to about 8,000 tons in 2008, generating a black market profit in the region of $500 billion. Few can rightly argue that there does not exists a genuine link between the War on Terror and the War on Drugs.
Regarding the opium crops, instead of looking deeper than the Pentagon party line, Geraldo Rivera did just the opposite – as he ran cover for the US military’s involvement in the Afghan drugs industry. U.S. Army soldiers guard the poppy fields in Afghanistan, in turn, assisting the banks who launder billions and support drug lords like Whalid Karzai who maintain control of their business there.
Watch Geraldo in this shocking FOX clip from the Afghan poppy fields:
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