An anonymous multimedia producer posted a Craigslist ad on January 1 soliciting “talented, creative, rational, intelligent, non-fear-mongering and educated media industry professionals or qualified entbusiasts (sic)” to help create a “stunt” aimed at presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

The producer wants to perpetuate an unspecified “Onion-class stunt” that “can easily be repeated (at least 5 times by my estimate) with increasing veracity and afford (sic) mentioned joy.”

The ad states the aforementioned joy will rival a first-class “flight to Autralia (sic) [with a] champagne-toasting Jennifer Anniston sitting next to me,” according to the typo-ridden advert.

Compensation is listed as “Millions of dollars worth of glee and, eventually, the admiration of a thankful nation.”

The Onion is a current events satire newspaper and website. Fictional articles featured mimic the tenor of actual news articles and include mention of real people and events. The Onion launched a satirical Youtube channel in 2012.

The Craigslist ad insists “the anonymous part matters” because “I am a producer with a professional reputation and, at least in the short run, will not benefit from any association with this brainstorm.”

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