Nearly 200 Nations Adopt 1st Global Climate Change Pact The “Paris agreement” aims to keep global temperatures from rising another degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) between now and 2100 Global Warming Hoax
WANTED: Climate Thought Criminal Marc Morano's fight for freedom of speech and more Global Warming Hoax
Big Oil Declares War On Coal While simultaneously helping bankroll the Paris climate talks Global Warming Hoax
Chilling Canadian warning to US: Gun registration has begun, confiscation not far behind Global Warming Hoax
Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants as part of climate strategy Global Warming Hoax
We Are Change Colorado attend Al Gore book signing, rips up Gore book in his face Global Warming Hoax
Globalists Henry Kissinger & Richard Haass Confronted on Terrorism and Global Depopulation Policies Global Warming Hoax