Pro-Biden Firm: Trump Will Be Appearing to Win in a Landslide on Election Night
But will ultimately lose when mail in ballots are counted.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor-at-large of His articles have been featured hundreds of times on the internationally renowned Drudge and he has appeared as a guest on numerous popular radio shows, television broadcasts and podcasts, including RT, Coast to Coast AM, Louder With Crowder and Stefan Molyneux. Watson is also the author of Order Out of Chaos.
But will ultimately lose when mail in ballots are counted.
Business owners furious at rank hypocrisy.
But continues to allow BLM to raise millions.
Ruling class would hurt Americans for “daring to reject their mastery.”
Black Lives Matter rhetoric appears to be failing.
“That’s a threat.”
Could have caused a serious accident.
No polls taken since Kenosha riots.
Other 94 per cent had serious illnesses.
“Because he believed something different than them.”
Journey deeper into hellworld.
Killer was a hardcore leftist.
Comments will do wonders for 17-year-old’s self-defense argument.
The latest excuse.
“There’s very little violence.”
Suspect demanded cops shoot him.
Senator thanks cops for saving his life.
Convicted child molester caught on camera earlier in the night using racial slur.
Lifelong Democrats say they’re either not voting or voting for Trump.
17-year-old clearly acted in self-defense.