Royal Society President Says Mask Refusniks Should be Publicly Shamed Like Drunk Drivers
Demands it be made mandatory inside all public buildings.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor-at-large of His articles have been featured hundreds of times on the internationally renowned Drudge and he has appeared as a guest on numerous popular radio shows, television broadcasts and podcasts, including RT, Coast to Coast AM, Louder With Crowder and Stefan Molyneux. Watson is also the author of Order Out of Chaos.
Demands it be made mandatory inside all public buildings.
Numerous public figures including Noam Chomsky and Salman Rushdie oppose totalitarian march of ” ideological conformity”.
Would expose Epstein’s powerful acquaintances.
Sorry, what?
Gets owned by Terry Crews.
They claim it’s “racist,” even though term wasn’t used until nearly a hundred years after abolition of slavery.
Locks down Twitter account after controversy.
“You killed your own.”
Polls show it’s more likely he would take votes away from Trump.
Police say motive unknown.
14 also shot during July 4 street party.
Diving deeper into hell world.
“It’s designed to replace the womb and pregnancy.”
Some kind of contradiction here.
Tell other radicals not to record incident.
Black Lives Matter protesters can go home.
Documents were “improperly obtained.”
Same speculation surrounded Epstein himself before billionaire’s “suicide”.
“Summer of love” turns into a nightmare.
Lawyer surprised Epstein co-conspirator left relative safety of Paris.