New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Now Oppose Black Lives Matter
Numbers have flipped since early June.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor-at-large of His articles have been featured hundreds of times on the internationally renowned Drudge and he has appeared as a guest on numerous popular radio shows, television broadcasts and podcasts, including RT, Coast to Coast AM, Louder With Crowder and Stefan Molyneux. Watson is also the author of Order Out of Chaos.
Numbers have flipped since early June.
Order also imposes curfew and ban on gatherings over 10 people.
Fox News guest claims she was “tied to her chair” because her microphone was connected to it.
Based and Red Bull pilled.
“It’s people like you that are ruining it for all of us!”
“Powerful” cabal has been operating since the 80’s.
After request from a Muslim interest organisation.
Some kind of connection here.
“Just ask Prince Andrew, he’ll tell you about it.”
“You have more minorities on the police side than you have in a violent crowd.”
While people are told police don’t have the resources to respond to burglaries.
Another incident of black on white violence caught on camera.
Police “not happy” about “getting paid to baby sit paint”.
Residents ask why they should pay for slavery.
“If she squeals on some of the people that she has videos on they won’t be happy.”
“She is a monster.”
Conservative government proves completely ineffective once again.
Despite abortion killing a higher percentage of black than white babies.
“Anything other than tight-fitting, surgical-grade masks are utterly pointless.”
Objective thinking, being polite, sticking to time schedules, property rights all listed as forms of ‘oppression’.