Report: Fusion GPS Used Ham Radio to Create Debunked Dossier?
Did FBI Deputy Director McCabe cancel with House Intel Committee over Conflicts with Bruce and Nellie Ohr?
Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has published over twenty books, six of which were New York Times Best Sellers. Two of his books were reached the top of the list, ranking Number #1 on the New York Times non-fiction book list: Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, co-authored in 2004 with John O’Neill, and The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality in 2008.
In 1968, Dr. Corsi received a Bachelor of Arts degree, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio, where he majored in political science and economics. In 1972, he received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.
Did FBI Deputy Director McCabe cancel with House Intel Committee over Conflicts with Bruce and Nellie Ohr?
Lewandowski and Bossie get wrong: Roger Stone wrote the book on the Clintons’ War on Women, not Bannon
Government computers illegally hacked Hawaii Dept. of Health
Did Judge Contreras OK electronic surveillance of Trump campaign?
Twitter STILL allows death threats against FCC Chair
Controversy mounts over FBI use of Fusion GPS “Russia Dossier” in FISA Trump surveillance.
Rep. Jordan: Did anti-Trump FBI Agent Strzok use Democratic opposition research to spy on Trump campaign?
Cover-up in 12-year-old Mexican drug smuggling case
Pai has the votes to repeal Obama-era Net Neutrality on Dec. 14
Federal prosecutors have history of extorting guilty pleas
The second punch in two punch effort to destroy Roy Moore
But litigation may delay implementation of new rules until 2019
Franken and Conyers under pressure to resign
Soros pours millions into “Ban Drudge” Net Neutrality campaign
Soros’ pro-censorship coalition floods FCC with “bot-generated” campaign to keep Obama “Net Neutrality” rules
Ed Klein says Hillary under delusional belief she can win presidency in 2020”
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Judge forced U.S. Attorney Bharara to make public memo details of FBI leaking to convict Walters in press
New McCarthyism sweeping Democratic Party overestimates minimal 2016 Russian social media activism
How Mueller’s “Saudi-fixing” connected with Vernon Jarrett’s efforts in 1979 to promote a future president