Reporters Confirm Radiation Levels 1200% Higher Than Normal on Cali. Beach | On a beach outside San Francisco, the Infowars crew makes a startling discovery.
Infowars is the tip of the spear against the rising tide of globalist control. We have been fighting for 20 years to lift the veil of subterfuge from the eyes of the people. We look deep into the swirling miasma of global gamesmanship and illuminate the patterns and intentions of those who would seek to enslave humanity. In our quest to bring you the truth we collect and combine information from the four corners of the globe and make the connections. We are determined in our purpose to bring you the truth and shine a light on the schemes of the globalists. This is a an archived collection of this information, please read it and ind your own conclusions. | On a beach outside San Francisco, the Infowars crew makes a startling discovery. | Teacher trashes messages a first-grader brought to class referring to Christ, says non-profit group. | Rebar wasn’t even used to reinforce the concrete foundation under water tanks, says worker. | This handy chart shows you your rights and how to better protect yourself when stopped by police. | HHS Secretary Sebelius, a bureaucrat with no medical experience, can tell your doctor how to treat patients starting in 2015. | “Karzai was a guy who was there when we needed him,” he said of the current president of Afghanistan. | Example of sheeplike, zombie population. | Penn. state trooper claims that he maced two cats instead. | Residents are standing in long lines to register their firearms and magazines. | A legal theorist breaks down Obama’s blatant disregard for the Constitution on Fox News. | “Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change,” scientists say as rescue ships fail to breach ice to save them. | Why does the country rely on a cashless society complete with RFID cards? | Winner receives a cash prize of $10,000! | Yet officer is allowed to carry while on-duty, granting him special concession he is not afforded as a private citizen. | YouTube continues to remove our review of It’s A Wonderful Life by hand while the full version of the film remains on its site. | Facebook “likes” for boycott six times higher than “likes” for Obamacare. | Could this mean the end of the “peak oil” theory? | Media goes beyond disagreement in push for chilling effect against free speech. | Your children belong to the state, according to Ohio senate bill. | Analysts told House members that the U.S. is unprepared for a potential war.