Military Brass: We Prefer Our Active Duty As Disarmed Slaves | Unloaded firearm policies and gun-free zones turn our troops into defenseless victims.
Infowars is the tip of the spear against the rising tide of globalist control. We have been fighting for 20 years to lift the veil of subterfuge from the eyes of the people. We look deep into the swirling miasma of global gamesmanship and illuminate the patterns and intentions of those who would seek to enslave humanity. In our quest to bring you the truth we collect and combine information from the four corners of the globe and make the connections. We are determined in our purpose to bring you the truth and shine a light on the schemes of the globalists. This is a an archived collection of this information, please read it and ind your own conclusions. | Unloaded firearm policies and gun-free zones turn our troops into defenseless victims. | Trooper stumbles for words after realizing man’s replica black powder revolver is not considered a firearm under Texas law. | AR-15s are involved in less than 2.5% of murders, which are trending downwards nationally. | Trooper stumbles for words after realizing black powder revolver is not a firearm under Texas law. | Further evidence that the Aug. 21 chemical attack was a false flag to frame Assad. | Senate Majority leader also implies that everything Congress does is constitutional. | President pushes to aid Syrian rebels who are led by the al-Nusra Front. | Two million bikers are on their way to Washington, D.C. | Political pundits are fueling racial divisions in order to distract and control the population. | More black-on-white violence largely ignored by the mainstream media. | Unprecedented explosion of resistance in the wake of alternative media. | On the heels of Reuters poll showing only 9% support military action. | Paramilitary task force “reminding” miners not to put too much mud in the water. | Senator disappointed he lost at poker during hearing which could lead to World War 3. | On Sunday, anti-war protestors protested the anti-war protestor, and with that, as Shakespeare once said, “the wheel is come full circle.” | Will court offer the same leniency given to others arrested for gun possession?
Julie Wilson | Public becomes more aware of government’s constant lies and contradictions. | Paul says that only Congress can declare war on Syria. | Syrian president says that the recent American wars have only destabilized the Middle East and other parts of the world. | 22-year-old deputy kills 68-year-old vet who was inspecting damage done to his property.