Thoughtcrime Is Here: “News Guard” To Be Pre-Installed On Every Device
The Microsoft partner and browser plug-in provider lists news publications as credible even despite having multiple corrections, misleading and even false stories.
The Microsoft partner and browser plug-in provider lists news publications as credible even despite having multiple corrections, misleading and even false stories.
Learn about the conflict that could push the planet into WWIII.
PC police investigate citizens who criticize transgenderism in UK.
The American left is falling apart as new radical politicians change the face of the movement.
European nations being officially overtaken by globalists.
Covington High School junior refuses to bow to leftist pressure.
Spread the link to this censored broadcast to fight back against globalist tech giants.
What will the next two years bring?
The globalists are running scared!
Meanwhile, Trump stays in the country to keep fighting for America.
Activist takes the Info War to the 3rd dimension.
POTUS has tried to work with the Democrats, but they clearly won’t budge.
King’s niece speaks out on his behalf.
Multiple conservatives were harassed and assaulted at the women’s march.
This is why President Trump calls MSM the opposition party.
Find out what the House Speaker was really going to do.
House Speaker’s overseas trip canceled last minute by POTUS.
Lee says King stands up for what’s right and for the country.
Could this be the beginning of a political awakening?
Some say POTUS playing 4D chess.