Asteroid Flies Across Russia’s Ural Mountains And Humans Barely Had Any Warning
Are we really prepared for an asteroid to hit Earth?
Are we really prepared for an asteroid to hit Earth?
Keep your gut healthy: stay away from unprocessed red meats
Scientists have found the location, 3 billion light years away
This new medication could eliminate the need for fillings
The further away one lives from a main road, the fewer problems they experience
A diet rich in plant-based food and fish can keep your mind and body younger longer
Most children are consuming three times the daily recommended amount of sugar
The volcano threatens the lives of 500,000 people
Paternal weight is also a factor
70% of the ivory trade takes place in China
Two energy drinks contain more than your daily recommended amount of sugar
Bill Gates says it will take 10 years for the world to be prepared for a pandemic
Lead contamination may have fallen, but it is still a huge problem in some areas
Like Wolverine, the material heals its own cuts
Do not rely on hand gels containing alcohol alone
This is the second spoon found on the Red Planet
Would gene editing mean a world without Stephen Hawking, Shakespeare and Thomas Edison?
Vitamin D may have been getting credit for the healing power of blue rays
The new signals mark 17 received so far
Lead is toxic, even in the smallest quantities