Coming to America: South Africa’s Violent “Race Reparations”
DNC using same tactics as South Africa’s ANC Marxists.
• Campaign manager for Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate Scott McLaughlin in North Carolina. Achieved record third party vote total for North Carolina and sued, on that basis, to change restrictive ballot access laws.
• After GOP Congressional landslide win in 1994 with Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America, ran as Libertarian Congressional Candidate, NC 1996: “Bill of Rights is OUR Contract with America”
• National delegate to real, old-fashioned brokered presidential nominating conventions as member of LP
• Media Fellow for American Tradition Institute
• B.S. in Electrical Engineering, magna cum laude, University of South Florida; member IEEE and Tau Beta Pi
• Employed as engineer for Texas Instruments & Data General before following my father and both grandfathers in running my own small businesses for 25 years
• Joined InfoWars 2012
DNC using same tactics as South Africa’s ANC Marxists.
All of Washington pretends the national debt has no consequences.
Brain chips slowly being rolled out for public use.
Can Americans stop the racial division being pushed by mainstream media and establishment politicians?
All Democrats and President Trump ignore it and no one in media will ask them about it.
Talk about virtue signaling.
A look at how judges assumed power.
Share this censored transmission to join Infowars in the battle for free speech.
Is America today that much different from Rome when it fell?
The left whines about “white supremacy” on the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11.
They picked the wrong group to intimidate with lies from government.
This history lesson could give insight to what Trump is going through.
POTUS shakes off neocons, goes with a patriot for Iran negotiations.
Will Trump defend the border?
A look at what lies ahead for Democrats trying to unseat Trump in the upcoming election.
The same people behind the RussiaGate coup attempt are behind NewsGuard.
Technology changes but greed and power don’t.
Find out what the government is hiding.
Find out the truth behind the origin of the tick-borne illness.
Controlling human movement is key for authoritarian states.