CPS: Pre-Crime Analytics, Private Profits, No Due Process
New dangers from a privatized, for-profit, foster care system fed by predictive analytics in Texas.
• Campaign manager for Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate Scott McLaughlin in North Carolina. Achieved record third party vote total for North Carolina and sued, on that basis, to change restrictive ballot access laws.
• After GOP Congressional landslide win in 1994 with Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America, ran as Libertarian Congressional Candidate, NC 1996: “Bill of Rights is OUR Contract with America”
• National delegate to real, old-fashioned brokered presidential nominating conventions as member of LP
• Media Fellow for American Tradition Institute
• B.S. in Electrical Engineering, magna cum laude, University of South Florida; member IEEE and Tau Beta Pi
• Employed as engineer for Texas Instruments & Data General before following my father and both grandfathers in running my own small businesses for 25 years
• Joined InfoWars 2012
New dangers from a privatized, for-profit, foster care system fed by predictive analytics in Texas.
Mainstream media continues attacking Infowars.
Mother asking Supreme Court to review the case.
Will Trump’s DOJ do anything to protect free speech?
Chamber of Commerce in the Chicago area sponsors an event where children beat a piñata version of an ICE agent.
Trump to help rapper being held by Sweden, but what about American patriots?
Does she have a solution?
POTUS elated following special counsel Robert Mueller’s flop in front of the House Judiciary Committee.
Doctors in US & UK are warning about the physiological adverse effects of hormones for pre-pubescent kids.
Muslims have forced a Jewish hamburger franchise to shut down.
Senior Google engineer does an on-the-record interview with Project Veritas on the dangers of the politicization of technology.
Over $450?
Stay updated on the latest to come from the historic testimony.
Returning to America after 23 years can be shocking.
A third of Dems don’t want decriminalization of illegal border crossing.
More spending for Welfare State & Warfare State-funded by magic money.
So much for caring about family separations.
Technology aims to stop adversaries without killing them.
Equifax has agreed to pay $700M for the loss of private data of over 145M people.
The state continues going after alternative medicine.