100 Killed & 6,000 Wounded in Iraq Martial Law: Will USA Be Next?
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• Campaign manager for Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate Scott McLaughlin in North Carolina. Achieved record third party vote total for North Carolina and sued, on that basis, to change restrictive ballot access laws.
• After GOP Congressional landslide win in 1994 with Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America, ran as Libertarian Congressional Candidate, NC 1996: “Bill of Rights is OUR Contract with America”
• National delegate to real, old-fashioned brokered presidential nominating conventions as member of LP
• Media Fellow for American Tradition Institute
• B.S. in Electrical Engineering, magna cum laude, University of South Florida; member IEEE and Tau Beta Pi
• Employed as engineer for Texas Instruments & Data General before following my father and both grandfathers in running my own small businesses for 25 years
• Joined InfoWars 2012
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Find out what the left is trying to hide with the Ukraine-Trump scandal.
The left’s latest attack on President Trump is already backfiring.
The left knows they can’t beat Trump in a fair election, so impeachment is their last resort.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a War on Parents
The desperate left will not stop until the Trump administration is completely derailed.
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Far-left climate hysteria cultivating generation of panicked children.
The left wants America to bow down to propaganda delivered by a teenage girl.
The left wants the American people reliant on the government.
Learn the truth about the misunderstood whistleblower here.
Globalists threatening to spark WWIII.
Are we on the brink of another major conflict?
Debate turned into massive socialist giveaway.
More proof liberals are going totally insane.
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Special break down on Mossad, CIA, more
The globalists must be held accountable.
Big Government – Big Tech partnership continues to trample on Americans’ rights.
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