Illegal Migrant Spared Prison After Stabbing Woman 14 Times During Home Invasion
Court determines Algerian attacker is ‘insane,’ orders him to pay victim one euro in damages
Court determines Algerian attacker is ‘insane,’ orders him to pay victim one euro in damages
Radicals have been plotting full-scale assault on white, Christian nations for decades, he says
Security for lawmakers costing $4,500 per day as city descends into anarchy
Big Apple rocked by surge of violence amid war on cops
Illegal aliens riding trains to truck stops in hopes of reaching UK
Team says ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ does not represent their diverse players, fans and community
Violent mob trashes city center, attacks officers
Gov. Raimondo calls for voter support
Metro rider brutalized during altercation over mandatory face masks
National Police chief says “constant bashing” of cops has demoralized officers
Child sex abusers, Latin Kings gang member apprehended in Texas
Hundreds of rioters destroy downtown Stuttgart, loot businesses
Horror as man shot from behind while cleaning car
Semi-automatic rifles still missing three weeks later
Growing coalition says governments have perpetrated massive fraud against citizens worldwide
Dramatic spike in shootings as city moves to dismantle police department
British, French governments working to facilitate sea invasion
U.S. law enforcement could be toppled under globalist plan
Hungarian government under siege for opposing globalist agenda
Radical leftists rioting as ethnic warfare spreads to new locations