Ethan A. Huff
Natural News
Nov 1, 2012
In the shadow of Halloween, local health departments all across the country are holding creepy new drive-thru flu shot clinics this year as part of a nationwide “emergency preparedness drill” to see how quickly and efficiently large numbers of people can be vaccinated. According to numerous local reports, individuals are being encouraged to bring their family and friends along for the ride as they roll down their windows to get the free jabs, while officials monitor and track how rapidly the public can be processed through these various vaccine lines.

The ominous initiative, which some reports are openly describing as a test run for future forced vaccinations of large numbers of people, is taking place in Connecticut, Alabama, Georgia, California, Kansas, Virginia, Arizona, and many other states. And in some locations, administrators will actually be onsite timing with a stopwatch the rate at which vaccine providers are able to process people through the vaccine lines, all for the purpose of assessing whether or not such a feat might be possible on a much larger scale.
“We’re going to time how long it takes each person to get through the clinic,” said Kris Magnussen, a communicable disease prevention supervisor at Connecticut’s Ledge Light Health District, to The Day. “If we had to vaccinate thousands and thousands of people in a short period of time, we want to be as efficient as possible.”
In Georgia, a local health official took this chilling concept even further, telling WALB news in Albany that, should another “pandemic” flu situation sweep the area, “we would need to give the vaccine to the entire population” of that particular county. And since many other counties across the country are also holding their own similar flu shot clinics, the overall intent seems to be to utilize the vast network of local health departments to effectively vaccinate the entire U.S. population in the event of an “emergency.”
Since flu vaccines take weeks to ‘activate,’ what good will it do to administer them in an emergency situation?
There is a glaring consistency with all this, though. Flu vaccines, we are told, take roughly two weeks after being injected to even begin working, which makes the idea of rushing thousands or even millions of people through a vaccine processing line to avert a flu pandemic or other emergency scientifically ridiculous. Nevertheless, this is the excuse the corporate plutocracy is using as justification for this latest flu shot stunt, which bears an eerie resemblance to the types of processing lines used by Nazi Germans to sort prisoners through the death camp lines.
Regardless of where this all ends up leading, it is always important to remember that the flu shot itself is medically useless, as illustrated by numerous studies, including a 2011 study published in the journal The Lancet which found that flu shots benefit virtually nobody. Taking vitamin D, eating “superfoods,” drinking clean water, and getting plenty of regular rest remain the best ways to avoid getting the flu — and the good news is that you do not have to wait in a long line of cars to gain access to these powerful natural remedies.
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