Mike Adams
Natural News
December 21, 2011

(NaturalNews) Vaccines are so effective at halting disease that they confer total immunity, say vaccine advocates. “Take a flu shot and you won’t get the flu!” Both flu shots and MMR vaccines are so safe and effective that everybody should be forced to take them, they insist.

And why? Because they claim all those un-vaccinated people will spread disease to the vaccinated people!

(Insert vinyl record screeching sound here.)

Hold on just a minute. Wasn’t their whole argument about vaccines based on the idea that they confer total immunity to those who take them? Well, if that’s true then they should have no fear whatsoever of un-vaccinated people!

According to vaccine promoters, if you take a flu shot vaccine, that means you can run around and drench yourself in flu viruses with total immunity. You can lick dirty doorknobs, shake hands with people who just wiped their runny noses, and even touch filthy drooling babies right before you eat a sandwich with your contaminated hands. Thanks to the vaccine, you’re now bulletproof!

So why worry at all about un-vaccinated people infecting you?

Vaccines cause brain damage

See, the vaccine logic just doesn’t add up. There’s a reason for that, of course: Vaccines make you stupid. The chemical adjuvants added to vaccines actually cause neurological damage and interfere with healthy cognitive function. That’s why brain-damaged people who take vaccines — also known as Vaccine Zombies — can’t work out the simple logic explained above.

It’s also why people who take vaccines are easily fooled into taking yet more vaccines. The critical thinking parts of their brains have been impaired, and they also have trouble with math and finances. Did you know that two-thirds of Americans cannot explain how compound interest works? Try to explain fundamental concepts of fractional-reserve banking to your average vaccine consumer and you’ll quickly discover just how brain damaged they really are.

Vaccines, fluoride, MSG and toxic heavy metals all work together in our modern world to chemically lobotomize the masses, turning them into drooling (useful) idiots who are just barely smart enough to punch a clock and operate some machinery on the job, but not nearly smart enough to realize how much they’re all being ripped off by the Fed’s money creation schemes that devalue the currency.

In fact, you might say that a vaccine-impaired population is absolutely essential for the existence of a police state government that relies on the poor cognitive function of its own citizens to maintain power and control over them. If people could actually do math, for example, they’d be marching in Washington right now — just over the national debt if nothing else.

Vaccine zealots are time travelers (in their own minds)

Another especially hilarious truism about flu shots is that they only work if you go back in time to the year before and expose yourself to last year’s flu viruses. That’s because each year’s flu shot is made from the circulating viral strains found last year, not this year.

Viruses mutate rapidly, resulting in structural changes that often circumvent immune system antibodies, especially if those antibodies were created in response to exposure of a different strain. So getting injected with last year’s viral strains is only useful if you’re a time traveler with a time machine in your living room. Wanna relive the flu season of 2007? No problem! The vaccine companies have those strains readily available for you. Just crank up your time-traveling gizmo that you bought on eBay and you’re ready to roll!

But if you’re looking to protect yourself in the present (or the near future), getting injected with last year’s influenza strain is about as idiotic as thinking you can beat the stock market by buying a crystal ball off eBay.

Vaccines need no proof that they work

The best part about the total morons who get vaccinated every year with flu shots is watching them try to explain why they always get sick anyway!

Me: “Hi, Cathy. Merry Christmas. Oh, you’re sick again this year? What happened?”

Cathy: “I don’t know, I just started feeling tired and achy again, and now I’m vomiting every four hours and can’t eat.”

Me: “Huh, sounds like the flu. But that’s weird, don’t you get the flu shot every year?”

Cathy: “Yeah, and it’s a good thing, too, because if I didn’t, this flu would have been even worse.”

This is, of course, the very kind of loopy “quackery” logic that mainstream medicine invokes when attacking holistic medicine or homeopathy. Notice that Cathy has now justified her vaccine injections by believing they offered her flu protection even when she’s the one who’s sick? Furthermore, she mistakenly believes that flu shots reduce the severity of her influenza infection, even when that’s pure bunk as well.

It’s a curious behavioral tendency in humans, of course, to rationalize their decisions with irrational thinking. This is especially true in the vaccine industry where people have been brainwashed into thinking vaccines are effective whether or not they actually work.

Option #1) Did you avoid the flu this winter? Must have been the flu shot!

Option #2) Catch a flu this winter? Oh, it “could have been worse” without the flu shot.

So, in the minds of the flu shot takers, there is no scenario in which the flu shot fails. It ALWAYS works in their minds, regardless of the outcome. That’s a sure sign that somebody at the medical clinic is quacking like a duck… Quack! Quack!

99% of the vaccine-taking public are delusional

What makes this all so hilarious? Well, for starters, flu shots only prevent flu symptoms in 1 out of 100 people who take them (http://www.naturalnews.com/033998_i…).

This means that 99% of flu take takers are delusional, living in a medical wonderland complete with fairies, unicorns and leprechauns who magically appear to defend them against influenza infections.

Perhaps more hilariously, 99% of the doctors and pharmacists are also delusional because they promote flu shots even when there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the idea that they really work. There are no credible clinical trials performed on any flu vaccines before they are rolled out, did you know? Sure, the drug companies inject a few dozen volunteers with the shot and watch for symptoms over a period of 14 days or so, but that’s not a real clinical trial (too small, too short, and it’s all funded by the vaccine companies anyway). Not surprisingly, nobody in the field of medicine bothers to test the efficacy of flu shots versus vitamin D supplements, because they know vitamin D would vastly out-perform flu shots in its ability to prevent influenza infections.

That’s the beauty of flu shots: They need no proof! Because the people who take them will convince themselves that the flu shots are working, even when they’re the ones getting sick all the time.

Meanwhile, the people who are NOT getting sick tend to be the people who are taking vitamin D supplements, who are drinking immune-boosting herbal tea, and who lead healthy lifestyles. That’s what really works to prevent the flu… no vaccine necessary!

So watch out for the loopy logic and twisted minds of flu shot promoters. These people are a bit lacking in the brains department, with a few shelves missing from their cognitive library. A few fries short of a Happy Meal. In a room full of chimpanzees, they’d be the last to escape.

These are not the best and brightest that humanity has to offer, that’s for sure. No wonder vaccines are now being used to promote infertility, because even Bill Gates admits that the globalists don’t want these people to reproduce.

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