Ian Goddard
December 19, 2011
Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese Government raised the level of allowable radiation from 1 to 20 millisieverts per year. This so-called “safety level” is the cut-off criterion for compensation for damage to private property incurred by fallout contamination. The reasoning is: if doses below 20 millisieverts per year are safe, then property holders have no grounds upon which to file suit for compensation and the perpetrators are thereby shielded from liability.
However, while officials proclaim that there is no evidence of harm below 20 millisieverts per year, this detailed review of both historical and contemporary radiation research demonstrates the contrary:
My video review tests the official claim of safety against established radiobiology codified in the United States National Academy of Sciences’ consensus report on low-dose radiation. The Academy’s risk model predicts that 20 millisieverts or below will not only cause cancers, but will primarily kill women and children.
We’ll also test the official claim of safety against recently published research, such as the largest study of nuclear workers ever conducted. Comprising over 400,000 workers from 15 countries, the study found increased cancer mortality among nuclear workers exposed to an average of just 2 millisieverts per year. That’s just one tenth of the allegedly safe 20 millisieverts per year allowed in Fukushima.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the evidence brought to bear against the anti-property and anti-health policies of officialdom. To summarize the findings in my video review:
– U.S. National Academy of Sciences predicts cancer < 20 millisieverts per year.
– Research since the Academy’s report corroborates that prediction.
– Research suggests the Academy may underestimate cancer risk.
– Research finds < 20 millisieverts linked to genetic damage.
– Therefore, Japan’s allowance of 20 millisieverts per year is not safe!
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