Justice Litle
Daily Markets
April 20, 2010
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
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The economic “recovery” we are now witnessing is based on theft, greed and deceit. It’s a giant rip-off, a rotten sham. In this sleazy imitation of a free market economy, liars, cheats and deadbeats are the ones getting rewarded.
And as for the savers, the hard workers, the ones who chose to honor their debts and live within their means? Nothing but a bunch of suckers. (They’re the ones paying for it all.)
If you’re one of those “suckers,” at least you’ve got company. I’m a sucker too.
All this time, I thought working hard for my money and staying debt free was wise. I thought sticking with one credit card – paying down the balance every month, no exceptions – was prudent. I thought driving a five-year-old car – fully paid off, nothing flashy – was a sensible thing to do.
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