GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has promised to make public currently guarded secrets surrounding the 9/11 attacks, should he be elected President.
Speaking at a campaign event in Bluffton, SC, Trump continued his onslaught on the Bush presidency by once again raising the issue of the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.
“We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center.” Trump told those in attendance.
“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country, Iran’s taking over, okay.” Trump continued.
“But it wasn’t the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”
“But when I look at a guy like Lindsey Graham, you’ll end up being over in that war forever, you’ll start World War Three.” Trump also noted.
Trump was referring to the 28 pages of the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, which remain classified and withheld from the public on grounds of ‘national security’.
The pages are thought to implicate the Saudi Royal Family in financing the supposed hijackers in the United States prior to the attacks.
Speaking at a press conference regarding the missing pages in 2014, Rep. Thomas Massie lobbied for the release of the documents stating he read them and that they challenged him to reconsider everything he knew about the event.
“As I read it — we all had our own experience — I had to stop every couple pages and just sort of absorb and try to rearrange my understanding of history for the past 13 years and years leading up to that. It challenges you to rethink everything,” Massie said.
Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked Jeb Bush on the campaign trail and at debates by raising the issue of 9/11, and the intelligence warnings that were provided to the Bush administration and subsequently ignored.
Jeb Bush has avoided the issue, and even mocked those who raise it:
Earlier in the week Trump doubled down on the 9/11 accusations, stating “I know that the CIA and various other agencies knew that something bad was going to happen and they did nothing about it. They got it wrong.”
“The heads of the CIA and the various other agencies weren’t speaking and it was a big problem,” Trump added.
Trump’s comments have prompted establishment Republicans and conservative talking heads to label him a 9/11 truther and a “radical kook”.
Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and
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